Fate, Destiny and Self Determination
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Centre Nationale d'Exposition a Jonquieres, Quebec Canada
Monday, May 1, 2023
Fabrica-Museo La Encartada, BALMASEDA SPAIN
Friday, November 12, 2021
Making a submission to the Fate, Destiny and Self Determination Installation
Fate, Destiny and Self Determination [] Le Sort, Destin, et l’auto-determination [] Suerte, Destino y Auto-determinación [] Los, Przeznaczenie i Wola [] Das Schicksal, das Geschick und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht [] 운명, 숙명 그리고 자기가 결정한 팔자. 팔자 [] Usud, sudbina i samoodređenje [] Sorte,Destino,Auto Determinação [] Öde, mål och självbestämmande [] Fato, Destino e Autodeterminazione
The development of the COVID-19 has made all of us more aware of the impact of isolation on our well being. This sense of isolation forms the underpinnings of this installation launched in 2016. Fate, Destiny and Self Determination was created as an initiative to reduce the isolation artists experienced in their artistic process through the use of social media, planned hands-on events and gathering them together to exhibit their collective efforts. Inclusiveness is the weft that weaves the installation together.
Fate, Destiny and Self-Determination is composed of three sections. The main tapestry woven panel (on the left) was created by Line Dufour, referencing the contemporary practice of tapestry where artist and weaver are one. The second panel on the right, was woven by visiting participants ranging from the inexperienced and amateur to the professional. This referenced traditional tapestry conventions in that many weavers work(ed) on the tapestry at the same time or at various stages and did not contribute to creating the tapestry designs.
Each time Fate, Destiny and Self-Determination is installed the shapes are never placed in the same positions, making it interactive and spontaneous, and permits the curator(s) to be part of its creation. Conversely, the curator could also invite the gallery guest to position shapes on the wall between the two panels, having them re-create the installation.
The installation has been exhibited at
· Craft Ontario in Toronto, Canada
· The Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
· The Doyle and Margaret Hartman Gallery, Regis University, Denver, Colorado USA
· Craft Council of British Columbia, Canada
· The San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles as part of the American Tapestry Alliance Biennial 11
· Guan Shan Yue Art Museum, Shenzen, China. 9th From Lausanne To Beijing
· The Centre D’Action Culturelle de la MLC de Papineau in Québec
· World Textile Art Biennial at the Fundacion Pablo Achtugarry in Punta del Este Uruguay
· World of Threads, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
· Rosccommon County Council, Roscommon Ireland
· Tuchmacher Museum, Bramsche, Germany
· Tuch & Technik Textilmuseum, Neumunster, Germany
Anyone who wishes to do so, can create a shape using a textile/fibre related technique (tapestry, rug, weaving, felt, basketry, etc) with whatever fibre they like or one that references textiles. Any hue from the colour wheel is suggested. You can use more than one colour. There is no minimum or maximum size, but the average size is 10cm (4”) . There is no maximum on the number of pieces you can submit. A person can also weave (create) a shape of their country, state or province or any shape except not a square or rectangle. You can look at the Facebook page for the project to see how other people have created their shapes. www.facebook.com/pages/Fate-Destiny-and-Self-Determination-An-international-tapestry-project/ or go to the Instagram page @tapestryline . You are welcome to invite your textile friends to participate in making a submission. Please include your website or other social media pages, as well as any comments about the project or your inspiration if you would like me to share it on social media.
When you are ready to send your submission to me, email me at linedufour.tapestry@gmail.com and I will send you the mailing address.
Once you have made a submission to the installation, it remains the permanent property of the installation and will not be returned.
Monday, March 30, 2020
The exciting tapestry event, Project BaaBaa scheduled for May 2020 in Galway Ireland, has been postponed to May 2021. The exact dates will be determined later. To refresh your memory, three tapestry workshops are being offered by five tapestry artists...four from the UK - Joan Baxter, John Brennan & Elizabeth Radcliffe, and Clare Coyle will be assisting me the workshop I'll be offering. The exhibitions will feature dozens of tapestry weavers from around the world: France, Australia, Ireland, Scotland to name a few. I am hoping I will see many of you there. If you have any questions contact projectbaabaa@gmail.com.
507 people from forty-two countries have contributed 842 shapes to the installation to date. The installation continues to accept submissions on an ongoing basis. Various materials and techniques have been used to create these forms – tapestry, crochet, knitting, lace, felt, paper, basketry, embroidery, quilting and various other textile construction methods. Each piece is presented on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with the person’s name and any other information they would like me to include, such as their website, or thoughts they have about the project. Alternatively, they sometimes talk about what’s going on in their lives. If you've already made a submission, please check to make sure your name has been recorded on the web page for the project
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Debbie Harris, Sandi Dunn, Darlene Haywood, Jutta Polomski and Patti Wibe |
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Louise Lemieux Berube |
Centre Nationale d'Exposition a Jonquieres, Quebec Canada
10th Anniversary of Fate, Destiny, and Self Determination Exhibition: April 7, 2024 to June 23, 2024 at the Centre National D'Expostion ...

10th Anniversary of Fate, Destiny, and Self Determination Exhibition: April 7, 2024 to June 23, 2024 at the Centre National D'Expostion ...
From Roscommon Ireland, the Fate, Destiny and Self Determination installation went to Bramsche Germany in May 2018 to the Tuchmacher ...
Fate, Destiny and Self Determination at Fabrica-Museo La Encartada, Barrio El Peñueco, 11. 48800. BALMASEDA SPAIN April 29 2023 to Octob...