Judges of the From Lausanne to Beijing Biennial 2016 in front of the installation in Shenzhen China. |
Fate, Destiny and Self Determination is an artist driven initiative, which is the force behind its international success. Since 2016 it has had 6 exhibition, and more are booked for 2017 and 2018. In 2017 there are 2 exhibitions in Ontario, and one in Montevideo Uruguay. The installation has been invited to be part of the events of the World Textile Art biennial. In 2018 there are two exhibits in Germany and one in Ireland (and perhaps others in the UK as yet unconfirmed). As the installation embarks on the next leg of its journey, I want to take time to thank all of you who have enabled and assisted in making it possible to participate in these past exhibitions of the installation, in one way or another.
Life has been such a whirlwind that I haven't had time to thank the many people who have contributed to the project. Most importantly, the co-creators to date are what makes this project the dynamic and exciting project it is. An up-to-date list of participants are always on my website
http://www.linedufour.com/fate-destiny-self-determinationyou , which are also the names that appear in each exhibition of the installation.
Craft Ontario, Toronto 2015 |
The next group of people we need to thank are those that have donated money towards defraying the expenses of exhibiting the installation internationally to date. About 50% of donation money came from artists in the project, and the remainder from non-participants who chose to support this initiative because they thought the project meritorious.
Co-creator Donors
Alex Friedman [] Aliona Carpov [] Ania Gilmore [] Anna Chandler [] Anne Miller []Antje Goldflam [] Barb Aikman [] Barbara Heller [] Bernard Ossant [] Beverly Weaver [] Christine Pradel-Lien [] Chung Ja Jackson [] Clare Coyle [] Cynthia Miller [] Darlene Haywood Dorothy Clews [] Elaine Duncan [] Elke Otte Hulse [] Emma Jo Webster [] Francois Seguin [] Gabriela Nirino [] Gert Rogers [] Isabelle Magin [] Janet Austin [] Janet Quilty [] Janette Gross [] Janette Meetze [] Janis Zindel [] Jeanne Llewellyn [] Jennifer Bennet [] Jennifer Stevens [] Juana Sleizer [] Judite Vagners [] Judy Dominic [] Jutta Polomski [] Karen Miller [] Katia Wittock [] Krista Pain [] Krystyna Sadej [] Leisa Rich [] Leonore Johnston [] Letitia Roller [] Liv Pederson [] Lis Baston [] Liz Pulos [] Lori LaBerge [] Maite Tanguy [] Margaret Jones [] Marie-Thumette Brichard [] Merna Strauch [] Micheal Rohde [] Michele Dixon [] Michele Lasker [] Mimma Draga [] Nancy Kramer [] Noella Kyser [] Pat Dozier [] Patricia Jordan [] Patti Wibe [] Pia Skaarer-Nieslon Pilar Tobon [] Rebecca Mezoff [] Rosaleen Rutledge [] Rosemary Horton Anzicek [] Sandra Cartaxo [] Sayward Johnson [] Silvia Piza [] Sofia Verna [] Stephnie Cantoni [] Sue Schwarz [] Sue Weir [] Summer Larson [] Taeyoun Kim [] Tea Okropiridze [] Tiziana Tateo [] Tommye Scanlin [] Tricia Goldberg [] Victoria Stone
Non participant Donors
Anne Vagi [] Beatrice Thorne [] Caroline Castilloux [] Fran Solar [] Cheryl Sheridan [] Elaine Clarfield Gitalis [] Francois Brassard [] Helene Rochette [] Ingrid Fish [] Jane Alderdice [] Jeremy McCormick [] Judith Fielder [] Julia Lee [] Kathleen Morris [] Kathy Lakatos [] Linda Needles [] Linda Wallace [] Lorraine Roy [] Marie Christine Boivin [] Mary Pietropaolo [] Mike Taylor [] Mississauga Guild of Weavers and Spinners [] Momo Murmurs [] Pascal Muzard [] Pat Burns Wendland [] Phyllis Fitzsimmons [] Rejean Arsenault [] Ro Omrow [] Robert O'Brien [] Sandra Nemenyi [] Sasha McInnes [] Suzanne Paquette [] Toronto Guild of Weavers and Spinners [] Wendy Hayden [] Yves Cote
If you would like to make a donation go to the Go Fund Me Link here:
https://www.gofundme.com/b6qq4qwk. 10% is retained by the GoFundMe site. You can also write a check/cheque. Email me if you would prefer this option.
Catalogue with names of participants at the From Lausanne to Beijing Biennial 2016 held in Shenzhen, China. |
Initial Support to realizing the project
Ontario Arts Council Conseil des Arts de L'Ontario - for giving me a grant in 2013 to launch the project.
Susan E. Middleton for assisting me in preparing the warp for the 'public' woven tapestry, and Agota Dolinay for assiting with the finishing of two tapestry panels.
Janna Hiemstra, the curator of Craft Ontario in Toronto, Ontario , Canada, who launched the first exhibition of the installation, without which none of the other exhibitions would have happened. Having an exhibition here enabled me to photograph it and circulate the images on the internet and on social media.
Participating artists who have facilitated, co-curated and /or administered exhibitions of FD&SD in various venues:
- Lousie Lemieux Berube organized and arranged for the installation to be exhibited at the Montreal Centre for Contemporary Textiles at Galerie Trames.
- Aneesha Parrone who arranged, organized and co-curated the installation to be exhibited at Regis University
- Barbara Heller approached and facilitated the exhibition of the installation at the Craft Council of BC
- Patricia Jordan and Deborah Corsini and ATA representatives who lobbied on behalf of the installation to be exhibited at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles as part of the events of the ATA Biennial 11.
- Monique Lehman's efforts and constant encouragement brought FD&SD to Shenzhen China for the From Lausanne to Beijing Biennial 2016, with thanks also to Kelly Liang and Prof. Lin.
- Christa Weitbrecht for approaching Tuch + Technik Textilmuseum Neumünster
which ended up creating a second exhibition in Germany, as yet unidentified.
- Siliva Piza Tandlich, Pilar Tobon, Maria Ortega for their invitation and efforts to have FD&SD exhibited in Uruguay 2017 in conjunction with the World Textile Art 2017 events.
- Frances Crowe for her efforts to have FD&SD go to Ireland and the UK
- Tommye Scanlin for advising to approach a gallery in Georgia and connecting me to the curator.
Co-creators who have written articles, translated articles for publications or have encouraged more participation in the project:
- Aruna Reddy and Emma Jo Webster for BTG magazine.
- Ullrikka Mokdad for her translation into Dannish of an article I wrote about the installation, for a Danish textile magazine, Rapporter
- Krystyna Sadej for encouraging so many Polish artists to submit work to the installation.
- Rebecca Mezoff and Tommye Scanlin for encouraging their respective students to particiapte in the project.
- Joe Lewis for his article in ArTapestry 4.
All of these people collectively have made the peregrinations of the Fate, Destiny and Self Determination installation possible. Let's give them a big round of applause!